Here's another post promoting bands I'm finding online with music you can download for FREE - the band is called SUNset TZUnami, and they play a weird combination of droney doom (or doomy drone?) with some goth-rock and stoner-metal influences thrown in, plus some odd orchestral instruments in weird intros.
And ...
get this ... their "secret bonus track" has lyrics from Dr. Seuss's "Green Eggs & Ham" - not that you could actually understand them, but I think that's kind of a neat idea. I'm still waiting for a legitimate death metal band to do a cover of "C is for Cookie", but I haven't heard it yet.
The vocals are pretty obviously "pitch-shifted", but it doesn't detract from the music. It actually adds to the odd-weirdness. I like some of their riffs, and they dive into some headbangin' grooves.
They also feature a girl drummer. Another oddity in the metal realm, especially in the more extreme metal genre.
So here's the link to their website:
Their discography page has a link to stream the songs and you can download the album for free. No registrations, mailing lists, etc. Pretty cool.
and here's a more direct link to the download page for their album, "the blackest gift" at the Internet Archive:
This music is very fitting for your Halloween Party this year. Play it loud.
More bands to be featured soon.