
More Space Jazz 083020

 More Spacey Jazz-Rock-Fusion ... not much more to say, but there's more drum solos and improvs, bass is the Ample Bass VSTi, and I used my Agile AL-3010 Les Paul copy this time.

Most of this piece is composed of a bunch of quickly improvised bass and/or drum riffs, and them I added the atmospheric synth pads, and finally recorded the guitars. Line 6 POD GO for the guitar tones, with some additional Earthquaker Pedals (Tranmisser and Avalanche Run).



Some new music, a bit of "spacey jazz fusion."

My trusty 32 year old Yamaha SJ550HR recorded thru my Line 6 POD Go, my Hadean Uke Bass recorded direct into my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2, and EZ Drummer played mostly "live" with my Korg NanoPad.