
A New Review of my music

A really cool music review blogsite called "The Ripple Effect" has published a review of my latest album, "I Am Become Daevel". I owe these guys a BIG Thank You. I've long enjoyed their entertaining and informative reviews of many different styles of music, from metal to alternative, to classic rock, etc. They always manage to come up with some really obscure stuff to check out, too.

Here's the link:
The Ripple Effect - Dimaension X Review
(which goes right to my review - while you're there, click on the header for the actual site.)

They also have a Myspace page - become a "buddy" of theirs. You won't regret visiting any of their sites. They really cover a lot of very different types of music. Hey, if you're in a band, or create music that you post online, contact them and give them the links to your site. They'll probably give you a review if they like what you've got.

ThanX directly to Racer X, who wrote the review, and obviously listened to a lot of my music (not a feat for the weak, mind you!)

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