When it comes to music, I tend to go into severe hibernation during the winter. I get absolutely nothing done. Well, maybe not nothing, but very little actual music.
I've spent a of of my time getting use to my Lenovo All-In-One computer with Windows 8, which was a very drastically different than my old Dell Laptop that is still running Vista. Some of my VST instruments either don't work like they used to, or they don't work at all. For instance, my Orchestral VST, EDIROL Orchestral HQ, does not retain my preset instruments in memory. In other words, if I choose a bunch of different instruments specific to my project in Reaper, when I close the project and re-open it, the instruments revert back to the Factory Presets. So I have to re-choose all my instruments again. Or I have to render them to audio before saving and closing the project.
And since I'm using 64 bit Reaper DAW now, the 32-bit VSTs and effects "float" on the screen when you don't want them to. And other weird stuff. So I've been re-learning how to do a lot of things.
I'm also still really learning how to properly use my Yamaha THR-10 amp for recording. It has a very cool option allowing you to simultaneously record your normal track, with a completely dry D.I. track that you can re-amp later with built in Amp Sims. This is very cool, since I've accumulated a bunch of very cool FREE Amp Sims (clones of Dual Rectofiers, Marshalls, 6505's, Tube Screamers, etc.).
So a lot of fiddling around and a lot of getting nothing done. Hopefully I'll be able to pull it together and start on some new stuff soon.
To be completely honest, I'm just not in the mood to do anything right now. During Spring, Summer and Fall, my wife has a part-time weekend job, so my weekends really open up during those seasons and I get A LOT of music done. During the Winter, she's home all weekend, and since I actually like hanging out with my wife (and my son when he gets to visit on Saturdays) I don't do much music stuff, and that's totally okay. I need a break from music sometimes, and the Winter is a good time to "recharge the batteries", and prepare for the next few seasons. As April 2015 approaches (and the snow is beginning to melt), the ideas will bloom.
Now, next topic - the IPMA, or the International Portuguese Music Awards. Why would I mention the IPMA? Well, as it turns out, one of the songs I worked on during the summer of 2014 with singer Jason Paulino is nominated in the Rock category. The song is called "Don't Give Up", and I played and recorded most of the instruments in my home studio. The vocals and bass were recorded at my neighbor Clint Mitchell's home studio (THE Deadside Manor Studio). Clint played and recorded the bass, and the song was written by Jason Paulino, who did all the vocals, and arranged the song, got it mastered, etc. Jason is the lead vocalist for The Great Escape, a fantastic Journey Tribute band.
Just click on the song name, and it will open up a new window and play the song. If you're a fan of some of the old 1980's style "hair-metal" ballads, I think you'll like it. Jason is a very talented singer, and a really nice guy, so let's all give him some support, by clicking HERE and voting for him!
That's all for now folks. Hope to be posting some new music soon. MELT SNOW, Dang it!