
E-Crisis-1 gets the "George Lucas" treatment

This project was originally one of my last "cassette tape" recordings from 1998, just before I finally began recording on computer and CDs. Stylistically, it is more similar to my "Bryson's Universe" album. Spacey synths, simple rock rhythms and extended guitar solos. I was going to try transferring the original songs directly from cassette, but the sound quality was just too bad.

I also realized that I deleted all of my original MIDI files, so I could not use any pre-existing tracks. I decided to re-create the whole thing completely from scratch. Yay.

So I sat at the computer with my DAW open, and started listening to the tape. And began playing/programming all new tracks. And made some revisions here and there, but the songs are basically the same as before, but a bit different, revising the order of some of the tracks, and trying to re-create some of the weirder synth sounds from my old Casio keyboards with GM Standard MIDI sounds in my Cakewalk TTS-1 VSTi, and a few other VSTi's.

Overdubbing and punching-in guitar tracks will also be very different than my original guitar tracks which were recorded "live" on one track from start to finish in each song. This time I can stop and re-do parts, layer, pan, add effects, etc. And hopefully my guitar-playing ability has improved a bit since 1998. And my equipment has been upgraded a bit.

I've been exploring my old computer files and disks, and realized I have accumulated enough music for at least six albums that I never committed to recording final versions. I will begin "raiding the vaults" for as much material as I can, and try to bring some of these old albums to life. I think some of this music really deserves to be properly recorded and released. I think my album,
Gothambia Redux really came out good, far better than it's original incarnation, so perhaps it is time I gave some of my old and unreleased music the "George Lucas" treatment.


Deadside Manor Demo (so far...)

Here's a link to the Deadside Manor Demo posted at Soundcloud.com

Deadside Manor is:
Dan Flynn - Vox
Clint Mitchell - Bass
James Jones - Drums
Dave Lanciani - Guitar

Note: - the drums are currently still my programmed drums, but I tried to match what Jonesy plays as close as possible, and believe me, his live drums friggen' ROCK! I've had the pleasure of seeing this guy with his main band, Musclecah at Ralphs' in Worcester, MA and the whole room shakes. Really.

We've burned some disks and will hand them to club owners, promoters, etc. This band has been a great experience for me; just an absolute blast.