
Drone2012 - now streaming at YouTube

I finally created some videos for my 2012 album called "Drone2012" and uploaded them to YouTube.

Yes, I did record this way back in 2012.  Here's the general description from the Internet Archive download page:

An experiment in drone-doom-noise. I'm mainly toying with feedback, delays and other effects in real-time. For a lot of this I just propped my guitar up in front of the amp and let it do the work.

The final "song" is a "cover-tune" of sorts, but obviously severely modified. Anyone care to venture a guess? 

All recorded with my guitar tuned to D,A,D,A,D,E. Loud amp. Loud.

All music herein remains untitled ...
All music herein shall move, yet remain still...
All music herein shall be created to be deconstructed...
all music herein shall not only be heard but shall be experienced by all tactile senses ...

Here's a link to stream / download the files at the Internet Archive:

To directly download a ZIP file with the whole album, art, etc., 

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