
The Updates in progress...

As you can see (those of you rare freaks who actually read my blog), the blog/website is undergoing some revisions. I have added some features to make it more responsive, like an actual website, like a table of contents, bio, discography, and a gear page.

As time goes on, this will continue to develop, and as new posts are added, they will be featured as the "Latest News" on the Home page. I plan on adding links to my actual albums from the Discography page, so you can click on them and be transported to the actual download pages at the internet archive, etc.

The Biography will face the most changes, as I edit it to my liking. I'm not real happy with it right now, but we'll make it work. I may also dedicate a post/page to my "Word/Phrase" Composition method, with better examples of my music.

And so, it continues onward... (I'm running out of "epilogue-like" ending phrases).

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