

Here's an additional list of various links and ways to contact me, should you feel the need to communicate beyond the galaxial borders of this plane of existance.

Here (yes, I know you'r already here!!)

At Soundcloud

At Last.fm

At Soundclick

You can always leave a comment in one of the various posts, too. I look forward to hearing from anyone who wishes to post my music at their blogs, review my music, or just say "hello."


Craig said...
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Laserbeam said...

I have just discovered your awesome music and considering it's free (thank you and all my respect for this) I was wondering why there is no way to download the whole discography from some place.

I find your music amazing, and will probably download as much as I can find, but would you be OK if I create a .torrent containing all your songs I can find? I will obviously give you the .torrent file and upload it wherever you want or agree. Although this helps people download it easier, you will probably not get any download counters if you need them.

Also, I do take the time to clean up all song tags I have, so I promise it will be a clean upload.

Can you email me at laserbeam333@gmail.com if you fancy the idea? (or not, and just want to tell me it's crap :D).

I will post some of your music on my blog after I listen to it a bit more, I'll send you a traceback when I do so.

And again, keep up the good work!

PS. I wanted to send an email, not a comment, but this is the best place I found I could tell you my "idea".

Jay said...

I love this music you make...every album is a delight to hear. Just saying hello and a big thank you for making the musicworld a little better. Thank you ever so much!

Dimaension X said...

Well Thank you Jay. Much appreciated.

nathan said...

Hi there, were you able to make pika labs work for you on Discorder?
here's a link to get an "invite"
hope this helps.